Sunday, February 27, 2022


 * The most important thing by far that happened this weekend was the return of football and the return of the New England Revolution! Our first match this season coming against the top quality Portland Timbers side. It's always daunting taking on Rose City and braving the insane environment they brought with then from their USL days. But our mixed squad of new and old players held their own in a back and forth 2 all draw (Bye, Llegitt).

*Second most important thing that happened was the official kicking off of Always Away Days, an organization that your humble narrator co-founded with another Revs diehard here in the south to cover away support for our lads on the road. The long story short is, we had approached the leadership of both The Militia and The Rebellion (New England Supporters groups) for advice on how to handle away days as a supporters group and one thing lead to another and both Always Away Days and The Militia officially joined The Rebellion family starting 2022 season as full members, really driving home The Rebellion's message of "Stronger Together". This story for sure deserves a full write up on its own, if not only for Rev's posterity sake. Exciting fuckin times working with loyal Revs to build up a nationwide support system for the mighty Revs!

*This week was pretty interesting as music goes; Immolation, Blood Incantation and Corpsegrinder all with new offerings out. Also local groups XIL and Sharp Spit with a full length and a single, respectively. 

*Around the League (MLS): From what I saw it was a pretty standard start to the season. Lots of Yellows and Reds, over excited players and refs, an on pitch scrap and a sloberknocker from Austin FC dishing out a 5-0 burial. I'm just glad football is back!

*I haven't thrown out the idea of making a stand alone blog just for music, but who knows. 

*Of course I don't say this last to minimize or diminish the importance of the brutal and fucking unjust invasion of the nation Ukraine by Russia, my heart goes out to Ukrainians worldwide, recently dispersed and those long in the diaspora. I really don't have anything to say as of yet. I have followed this beautiful country closely since the Orange Revolution, to the annexation of Crimea and now until the ever ominous invasion by Russia. Only thing I can say at this point is it appears Russia comfuckinpleatly underestimated the defense and will of the Ukrainian people. Slava Ukraine.

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 * The most important thing by far that happened this weekend was the return of football and the return of the New England Revolution! Our f...